
樫尾忠英作品「アニマルマインド」が第1回SNEゲームコンテストで佳作、「高慢パティシエ」が第2回SNEゲームコンテストで佳作になる。GMウォーロックVOL.07で「不思議の国のトランプ兵」が掲載される。 ガーデンゲームズは、デザイナー樫尾忠英のゲームを作りだすためのブランドで、ゲーム作りに関わるあらゆることが樫尾を中心とした活動になっている。

【N19】Tol Trarell English rulebook is available.
2016/11/26 18:04

It is a long-awaited midsummer's night for the fairies. The starlight falling upon the forest bears fruit as magical twinkleberries under trees.

The twinkleberries provide the fairies their desired source of strength.

Collect as many twinkleberries as you can on this special night before dawn.

You may occasionally run into greedy fairies from a neighboring hill.

But do not worry. There is no way for your brave team to lose.

They are sure to return with looted articles too.


The players are chief fairies collecting twinkleberries. You can collect twinkleberries at gardens and orchard, and also rob them from rivals.

The player who has collected the most twinkleberries at the end of the game wins and becomes the king of fairies.


Players: 2 to 4

Playing time: 15 min

Age: 8+

Game design by Kashio Tadahide

Illustration by Shigeto Murata

English translation by Saigo


English rulebook is available.



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