Lotus boardgames

2020年2月から活動開始したボードゲーム制作グループです。 ゲームマーケット2021大阪「1マス先は闇」 ゲームマーケット2022大阪「ゴモクタイル」「うどんどう!」→開催自粛 ゲームマーケット2022春 「Reversialリバーサル」 ゲームマーケット2022秋 「ワードアタック Word Attack」 ゲームマーケット2023春 「タユタイル」 ゲームマーケット2023秋 「クロノスの瞳」 ゲームマーケット2024秋 「ゴモクロク・DIGCODE」 ゲームマーケット2025春 「?????????」

【Sat-F05】Line up of Lotus boardgames
2024/11/13 14:27

Lotus boardgames sells 2 boardgames at the Game Market 2024 autumn.
We introduce 2 games shortly.
So if you are interested in our games, let's come to our booth!


【土(Sat)-F05 Lotus boardgames】
●Gomoku Roku
For 2-play / 15min / Over 8 age
Standard ver. ¥2,000- / Wooden ver. ¥8,000-
This is abstract game, based on 5 in a row.
But the game does not always alternate turn.
And you have to look at the rows in many directions!

Place your stone, move your stone, and line up your stones!

For 2-Play / 30min / Over 10 age
This is a logic puzzle game of using digital numbers.
Players guess the 6 numbers set by your opponents by using the "segments" the digital numbers as clues.
I recommended for people who enjoy logic puzzles.

Our game include Japanese rulebook only.
But you can look its English rulebook, if you come to our booth "Sat-F05".
We try to explain the rule, so come to our booth on Saturday!

Have a good Game Market !!

