
同人アナログゲーム制作サークル「出汁巻亭」です。ゲームマーケット2023秋にて、「出汁巻亭秋のハガキ祭り」を開催予定です。他の作品「割算~1・2・3からはじめるトリックテイキング~」「レインボウロオド」「SEESIDE(シイサイド)」「FuertoRite(フエルトリテ)」「SALBAGE(サルベイジ)」「ALEA STELLA X」「宝石の石板」「アンドレさんとドロボウたち」。

“FuertoRite ~フエルトリテ~” English manual
2021/11/19 1:57

Manual file fixed on 2021/Dec/5

*【END CONDITION】When any player has a total of 10 or more cards in his/her 
Hand and Property at the end of Step ③.


Hello! We are "Dashimakitei", a board game creator group.

We have completed the English manual for our new game, “FuertoRite”!



For 3 – 5 players

Playing time: 10 – 20 min

Ages: 8 +


This game is a card game for 3 - 5 players. The idea of this game is inspired by the so-called trick-taking games (TORITE in Japanese), but the cards in your hand will increase(FUERU) as the game progresses.

"FuertoRite" Enjoy the unique trick-taking game.


For more information on the rules, please refer to the following pdf file.



We will be waiting for you at[ウ12]booth on Saturday, November 20.

We are looking forward to seeing you there!

