うそのたばこ店 @USONOtobacco
- 賭博や賭け事のイメージが強い日本古来の遊戯「花札」をアイコンデザイナーが大胆にリニューアルしました。
- 花札をよく知らない人でもすぐにわかる遊びに生まれ変わっています。
- マジシャンも使う最高品質の印刷技術で製造しました。
プレイ人数 | 2〜7人 | プレイ時間 | 〜分 |
対象年齢 | 3歳〜 | 価格 | 1,980円 |
発売時期 | 2022春 | 予約 | 不可 |
ゲームデザイン | ルイ・マンティア | イラスト・DTP | ルイ・マンティア |

In hanafuda, there are twelve different suits with a flower or plant to represent each one. That's a lot to keep track of. Not to mention, each card illustration is unique. When I started playing some games with my friends, I noticed that new players often had trouble identifying or distinguishing suits. In an effort to make hanafuda more approachable for new players, I searched for an appropriate symbolic solution to these problems.
花札には十二種類のスートがあり、それぞれのスートに花や植物が描かれています。 それはそれで大変なことです。もちろん、カードのイラストも一枚一枚が個性的です。友人とゲームを始めてみて気付いたのですが、初心者はスートの見分けるのが難しいことに気が付きました。花札をもっと親しみやすいものにしようと、これらの問題を象徴的に解決する方法を探してみました。
For hundreds of years, clans, families, and organizations have used mōn to represent themselves. You can find examples of these symbols throughout Japan on both modern and traditional objects, like drums, flags, roof tiles, kimono, cars, airplanes, and even in video games. Mōn seemed like the right direction for Junior Hanafuda.
何百年も前から、藩や家族、組織は自分たちを表すために「紋」を使ってきました。太鼓、旗、瓦、着物、車、飛行機、ゲームの中など、現代的なものから伝統的なものまで、日本中のあらゆる場所でこのシンボルの例を見ることができます。 ジュニア花札には「紋」が適しているように思えたのです。

As an icon designer, mōn appealed to my sensibilities and I became excited about the prospect of creating a system of consistent mōn for every flower, plant, animal, and object found in hanafuda. Every mōn in Junior Hanafuda was precisely drawn to complement each other, while remaining visually distinct for the benefit of players.

In Junior Hanafuda, mōn for each suit are placed in the corners as indices, while the kind of the card is depicted with the color and pattern surrounding the mōn in the center.

Junior Hanafuda is poker size and the card back design feels both classic and entirely new, exhibiting plants and animals similar in theme but not typically found in hanafuda. It features bamboo along the edges, sparrows in the corners, and Mt. Fuji in the center.

The result is a hanafuda deck unlike any other. Each deck includes 56 cards. In every deck, there are 48 standard cards along with some bonus cards that allow you to play with up to 4 players. While no instructions are included with the deck itself, rules for various games can be viewed on and printed from the Junior website: junior.cards
その結果、今までにない花札デッキが出来上がりました。各デッキには56枚のカードが入っています。各デッキには48枚のスタンダードカードと、最大4人で遊べるボーナスカードが入っています。デッキ自体には説明書はありませんが、様々なゲームのルールはジュニアのホームページ( junior.cards )で見ることができ、印刷することもできます。

Junior Hanafuda will be manufactured by The United States Playing Card Company in Erlanger, Kentucky. They are famous for Bee® and Bicycle® decks, and are known around the world for the quality of their playing cards. Junior Hanafuda will be printed on premium card stock with their classic embossed finish.
The Complete Collection and Deluxe tiers feature a very special paulownia wood box, made in Nagato, Japan. The Deluxe tier also contains a signed, uncut Phoenix sheet.

Junior Hanafuda has been very important to me over the past couple years and I look forward to making many more cards from around the world for you, your friends, and your family to enjoy. Thank you very much for considering this project.
