


The final battle between Spirits unfolds!


  • Correct Mana & build your Tower
プレイ人数 3〜4人 プレイ時間30〜60分
対象年齢9歳〜 価格3,000円
発売時期2020秋 予約 不可
ゲームデザインあなご イラスト・DTPじみ(Ette)、みゆきち


In Tateruto you'll summon charming Spirits and collect Mana to compete for the tallest tower. It is a game that you can enjoy thinking about strategies and situations.

📖 Story

To be revered by the Spirits?
This world will only change if those Spirits deign to follow you.

Only a fight to the death can decide the one true successor to the highest position in the Spirit world. The battle for the title of Great Tateruto Spirit begins now!
In Tateruto you’ll summon charming Spirits and collect Mana to compete for the tallest Tower.The perils of a scarce Mana source, an onrush of Spirits, and a powerful but temperamental Tower await you… Will you join forces with the Spirits and prove the victor in this conflict ?
The battle to change the world—the final battle of the Great Tateruto Spirits—begins now.

💡 Rule

Official Site (Now publishing the rule book!)


Spirit Summoning, Tower Building Turmoil! (Maisy Hatchard)



🎲 Components

Spirit Cards(Great Tateruto Spirits) 4
Spirit Cards 40
Mana Chips 20
Tower Cards 30
Round Cards 2
Start Token 1
Rule Book 1



Japanese Version



スタンダード, セットコレクション,

