バナナムーン・ステュディオ @BananaMoonGroup
2021秋は【オ26】バナナムーンで出展します。→ https://gamemarket.jp/booth/3757
ゲムマ2019秋に初出展! 北海道からコンニチハ。ちょっと毛色の違うゲームづくりを目指してます。オトモダチ増やせたらうれしいです。
- Banana Moon Studio Sapporo
- Banana Moon Studio Sapporo is an innovation and design company founded in 1990, headed by multi creator Hiroshi Maeda, has won over 40 design awards both nationally and internationally. Some of the works are among collections in museums and galleries around the world. Started our indie board game design journey in 2019 and continue to release multiple titles every year. In Autumn 2019 took part in the Tokyo Game Market for the first time. In 2020 following a successful international crowdfunding on Kickstarter, “Bistro FLIP” was released.
- 2019/10/21 22:45
- バナナムーン・ステュディオ