十式ゲームワークス cap_tbyk
- GAME at 10-shiki game works / 今回の持込作品について
- 2018/5/2 19:49
We will sell "Willkommen, Bierfest!", "Cat always gets on top", "Rinpa", "CUBECOURIER".
We will open on May 6 (Sun). The booth number is E - 65.
※ This time, because the number of items is small, We will not pre-order. I'm sorry.
※ 今回、持込作品の数に限りがあるため、取置き予約は行いません。ご了承の程、よろしくお願いします。
【 Introduction of works / 作品の紹介 】
Willkommen, Bierfest! / ようこそ、ビールまつり!
Today is a festival that drinks beer a lot and deliciously. However, do not drink without thinking. Timing is important for delicious drinking. It is important to taste after raising your desire to drink as much as possible. Also, occasionally everyone forced participation "Prosit!" will interfere with your plan. How much can you deliciously enjoy beer?
This game is a card game of a set collection that collects cards of the same type, and a chicken race in which all hands are lost when "Prosit card" gather. It is a very fun game to control cards while thinking points and negative points.
同じ種類のカードを集めていくセットコレクションと、「乾杯カード」が集まった時に手札がすべて失われてしまうチキンレースの要素を持ったカードゲームです。 得点と失点を考えながらカードをコントロールするのが、とても楽しいゲームとなっています。

Published on autumn 2017 | 2017秋発表
PRICE ¥2,000.- | 頒布価格 2,000円
For introduction of rules etc., please visit the Ten-style Game Works website.
Cat always gets on top / ネコは上にのる
A cat is an animal that wants to disturb the game. Even when we are having fun enjoying the game, cats do not mind and cross over with it without mind. But that is a cat. So, when we play games, we have to coexist with cats. Now, let's move your cat well and increase your score.
This game is a card game that takes out five cards According to the ruleson on the four cards placed in the center. The rules are simple, but it's a little strange game of play that you can not win easily.

Published on spring 2017 | 2017春発表
PRICE ¥900.- | 頒布価格 900円
For introduction of rules etc., please visit the Ten-style Game Works website.
琳派 / Rinpa
You are art dealers of Japanese paintings. You have to repair folding screen paintings in cooperation with other art dealers. However, if you manage to repair the paintings ahead of others, the paintings will be yours. Let's get a lot of paintings and become a notable art dealer.
This game is a set collection and trick taking game. You can check the cards that everyone used, so counting is unnecessary. It is best for the introductory section of trick taking game.
このゲームは、セットコレクションとトリックテイキングのゲームです。全員が使用したカードが確認できるので、使われたカードを記憶する必要がありません。 トリックテイキングゲームの入門編には最適です。

Published on autumn 2015 | 2015秋発表
PRICE ¥1,300.- | 頒布価格 1,300円
For introduction of rules etc., please visit the Ten-style Game Works website.
You move the eight cube on the board drawn nine frames. And let's connect the boards at both ends. While the interference of the opponent, is the way to their victory is that to find a moving way of the cube to be advantageous. Well, which that you will be able to connect to the first?
This game is the game on two players only to play with the pieces on the eight cubes. It is like a play feeling of chess problem, offense and defense are switched at the position of the cube that vary from one hand.

Published on autumn 2015 | 2015秋発表
PRICE ¥1,000.- | 頒布価格 1,000円
For introduction of rules etc., please visit the Ten-style Game Works website.