TUKAPON @Tukapon00
2014秋 「サリバン」
2015秋 「捕込」
2016春 「High!High?High!!」
2016春 「Glasgow」
2017春 「ボブジテン」
2017秋 「ボブジテンその2」
2017秋 「わたしのボブジテン」
2018春 「ボブジテンその3」
2018春 「あいわな -TRAP OF LOVE-」
- 【L22 TSUKAPON】English Rules
- 2016/4/24 14:28
Hi this is Kazuna who is helping TSUKAPON at Game Market in Tokyo this time.
We are pleased to announce that we are now ready to receive reservations for
Today I would like to give you some ideas of our new game, Glasgow.

This is an abstract game for 3 players only.
If you know Japanese game called "Go" it is easier to imagine how the game goes.
Choose your own colour :)

Each players put a glass tile in turn adjacent to one that is already placed.
If all side of your tile is surrounded, removed by your enemy.

Tiles can be placed 6 X 6
Player who got the most tiles is the winner!

For those who are interested but need an English rule,
please email: kazuna1003@hotmail.co.jp
I will find some time to introduce the following games as well;


For reservation and inquiry;
Thank you very much and hope to see you soon!