
『世界は遊びでできている。』がコンセプトの株式会社スタジオムンディ。 ゲムマ2024秋の目玉は、「まねきねこれくしょん」の先行発売です! ライナークニツィア氏×MARU. Game Design×スタジオムンディで制作した、ジレンマをたっぷり味わえるポーカーライクな作品です。 予約 (限定200個) https://forms.gle/XqTkETnZxYRgESWr6 *一般発売日は調整中です。

English Rule Hyappiki isshu
2019/5/16 13:01

English Rules HERE!

Hyappiki Isshu is a brand new card game inspired by a traditional Japanese card game, called "Hyakunin Isshu".

Hyakunin Isshu (a.k.a. Kyogi Karuta) has what is called "Determining letter (Kimari-ji)".
This indicates how many words of the read card (yomi-fuda) players should hear before identifying the target card (tori-fuda); for example, if the determining letter is just one, players can identify the target card by hearing just 1 letter.
This determining letter changes dynamically throughout the game.
You may find a target card which required 6 letters to identify just by 1 letter next.

It's so exciting to take target cards with understanding the situation and how many letters you should hear.
However, you must learn by heart all the 100 poems and determining letters for this excitement. It's so tough.
Hyappiki Isshu is designed simple to simulate the dynamism and excitement of the original Hyakunin Isshu by combining colors and animals.
If you find this game exciting, we strongly recommend you to try Hyakunin Isshu as well.

Have a nice day!




Please go here for details and reservation.(Japanese)↓
